Text Analytics

Aggregate Billions Of Data Points
Make Intelligent Predictions

Data Extraction

Collect and index numerous data from multiple sources such at social media, news articles, forum posts, blog posts, reviews, and more.

  • Categorization based on source, type, date, or other custom settings
  • Pass extracted data  to machine learning models for actions such as classification or sentiment analysis
  • Load data in a database, or export directly to json, csv, html, xml, etc

Insight Extraction

Harness the power of advanced machine learning algorithms to extract actionable insights, discover patterns, and make predictions.

  • Classify information using key phrases
  • Analyze sentiment with Natural Language Processing
  • Automatically identify up-coming trends

Sentiment Analysis

Keep up to date with brand perception, understand your competition, and improve processes in your business to improve overall customer experience.

  • Using Qauntyst’s classification models, detect positive and negative sentiment from many sources
  • Measure sentiment at an individual entity level or an overall document/domain level
  • Visualize changes in sentiment over time with scoring details explained

Machine Learning

  • Automate sentiment analysis and classification of unstructured data
  • Compare relationships between content (metadata, concepts, entities, etc.) in unstructured data for analysis
  • Obtain recommendations for contextual information based on user generated content, article content, and content similarities
  • Analyze context to make accurate predictions and understand intent of the content